This toolkit aims to support and assist schools with large numbers of refugee students by:

  • Facilitating information-sharing among school personnel and others working with refugee children in the schools on a national level;
  • Providing information on frequently asked questions in the form of brief “tools” that may be used in the professional development of teachers and other school personnel
  • Raising awareness of the needs of refugee children in the schools This toolkit may be useful for school social workers or counselors, teachers, school administrators, school liaisons/cultural brokers, refugee resettlement staff, State Departments of Education, and state refugee offices.

It includes the following tools:

  • Tool 1: The Birthdates of Refugee Children and the Impact on Grade Placement
  • Tool 2: Schools and Refugee-Serving Agencies: How to Start or Strengthen Collaboration
  • Tool 3: Refugee Child Welfare: Guidance for Schools
  • Tool 4: Refugee and Immigrant Youth and Bullying: Frequently Asked Questions
  • Tool 5: Federal Requirements to Provide Interpretation/Translation in the Schools