Offers teachers and families a variety of wellness practices which can be incorporated into the daily curriculum, on the playground, or in the home in order to combat violence, to cure injustice, and to create a more peaceful world. Capacitar International is dedicated to healing ourselves and healing our world by teaching the use of tools that enhance personal strength and wisdom in order to promote healthy, whole persons. It includes language and presentation methods which can be readily adapted to grade level, culture, and subject area. Section 1 offers breathwork, visualization, and cross-lateral exercises to improve concentration and learning. Section 2 discusses a holistic understanding of health and wellness based on energy flow using Tai Chi and Salute to the Sun exercises. Section 3 gives children tools for daily self-care through practices such as Pal Dan Gum, acupressure, massage, pain drain, and the immune system boost. Section 4 presents specific practices fingerhold meditation and the Emotional Freedom technique to help children identify, manage, and release strong or traumatic memories. Section 5 offers exercises for meditation, prayer, and use of ritual to nourish the spiritual nature of children. Section 6 targets the reduction of traumatic stress experienced by many children. Resources for supplementary music, websites, and instructor and children’s publications are provided. (IP)